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Personal Empowerment Institute Newsletter
               Workshops to

Live your life with

deeper meaning!

               A whole new focus

Welcome to the
October 2007 Newsletter

- This Month's  Events
- Cinema for the Soul
Thought of the Month
- Social Gatherings
Are you ready to take your life to a new level? Powerfully explore your limitations and move beyond them in the new series of workshops we are offering. Whether it be your relationships you wish to expand, restrictions in your body you want to move beyond or how to learn to express your emotional truth, our workshops will allow you to expand your personal freedom beyond what you've imagined.

We held our last Authentic Power weekend recently and we're now taking each aspect of the workshop to a whole new level. By focusing on each area in an individual workshop you will have an opportunity to gain enormous insight into that aspect of your life. Some of the workshops are The Power of Vulnerability, Body Energetics, Relationships and Intimacy, Freedom from Emotional Eating and Exploring your Inner Child.

In the calendar section below you will see in detail some of the upcoming workshops.

Phil and I are leaving this weekend for a five week bodywork retreat which will enhance what we already do and we feel very excited to be bringing those learnings back for you to benefit from.

We are also offering some teachings from one of the greatest truth seekers of our time, Osho.  He believed it is everyone's birthright to enjoy the same oceanic experience of true individuality. Join us as together we question his teachings.

We look forward to seeing you soon, as together we explore our own personal truth and move into freedom!

With love for the coming month,


This month's events


You can book online or contact us by  email or phone 0249 500897

Body Energetics Weekly

CAREY BAY: Tuesday evenings commencing 6th November

Bringing your subconscious mind (your body) into alignment with your conscious intent creating a world of freedom, ease and opportunity, Body Energetics is an exploration of the best ways to allow the body to release the limitations standing in the way of resolving core issues. Body Energetics integrates both traditional and esoteric bodywork methods from around the world, with a singular focus: a gentle, sensitive, non-invasive touch and a personalized approach to you. Body Energetics sees you, the client, as the true source of healing, and sees the client's way rather than the practitioner's way as the path to that healing.

Attend our “Body Energetics”   night and begin to explore s ome of the benefits experienced through Body Energetics which include: Increased self awareness, relief of pain, stress and tension, accelerated healing and injury recovery, and greater enjoyment of one’s physicality.

Time:   7.00pm to 10.00pm

Investment:  $30 night

More information...    Click here for brochure

“By honoring the body as the ultimate truth-teller, Body Energetics is one of the most powerful tools available for empowerment and personal effectiveness in all areas of life.”

Body Energetics 1 Day Workshop

NEWCASTLE: Saturday 17th November

Based on the teachings of Fritz Pearls, Ida Rolfe and Moshe Feldenkrais as well as a host of other remarkable pioneers in the field of healing it is one of the most powerful tools available for empowerment and personal effectiveness in all areas of life.   Body Energetics is a powerful, experiential process that can allow you to access your emotional body and release often unpleasant feelings that have been stored in the body often since childhood.  Why release these unpleasant feelings stored in the body? They often can lead to physical discomfort in the body creating all sorts of disease/problems. Also w e only have one feeling center, the heart charka. As children we gradually closed it off because it was too much to deal with the fear, sadness, anger and shame. Unfortunately we simultaneously closed off from feeling the unconditional joy, love, inner peace, and a sense of personal power which are also felt through this centre.  Body Energetics provides the deeper tools to access our emotional body and we must develop the courage   to feel and release these unpleasant feelings, in order to move back to the joy and the love.

The degree to which you let yourself feel the past hurt is the degree to which you will automatically again feel the love, joy, peace and power. It is a powerful way to get profound and life changing results.

Time:   9.30am to 5.30pm

Venue:   Wallsend This month's events Community Health Centre, Nash St, Wallsend

Investment:   $125 

More information...    Click here for brochure

The "Power of Vulnerability" Weekend

NEWCASTLE: 24 th – 25 th  November

To be vulnerable is to operate from your real self. This is where you are true to yourself and your own needs. Most people think that to be vulnerable is to be weak yet the opposite is actually true. Your ability to be vulnerable can and does set you free to be yourself no matter who you are communicating with. During this 2 day workshop we will begin to explore the steps to accessing “The Power of Vulnerability.” You will begin to find your real self in expressing your core truth, explore the key to self confidence in every moment and discover how the phrase “Telling my truth heals myself and others” naturally works always. You will learn that in your Vulnerability lies your strength and h ow to discover what your truth is and how to express that appropriately.

Time:   9.30am to 6.00pm both days This month's events

Venue:   Wallsend Community Health Centre, Nash St, Wallsend
Investment:   $295 

More information...   Click here for brochure

What I got out of it was such depth and understanding of who we truly are, and how to set yourself free of all the past hurts, negative experiences and, loss of self worth and much more. To be able to feel free and peaceful was great. The information and tools I received is a true blessing to me that will continue to help me throughout my journey of life.   Lyn Norris-Newcastle

Questioning Truth with OSHO

NEWCASTLE: Monday evenings commencing 5th November

Osho is one of the greatest Indian mystics of all times. His passion for truth and personal freedom touches everyone that comes across his teachings. Osho says, "There is only one path , which goes inwards, where you will not find a single human being, where you will only find silence, peace." He believed it is everyone's birthright to enjoy the same oceanic experience of true individuality. "What Osho set out to do was pierce our disguises, shatter our illusions, cure our addictions and demonstrate the self-limiting and often tragic folly of taking ourselves too seriously."

Come and join us every Monday night. Facilitated by Phil McKewin we will explore our own truth as we ponder deep questions on life.

Time:   7.00pm to 10.00pm

Investment:   $15 night

More information...    Click here for brochure    

Cinema for the Soul
Movies that Inspire Truth


(Please note you will now only be notified of movies screening monthly)

Fri 5th – The CELESTINE PROPHECY- Based on James Redfield's worldwide best-selling novel, The Celestine Prophecy is a spiritual adventure film chronicling the discovery of ancient scrolls in the rainforests of Peru.
Fri 12th – DEEPAK CHOPRA - HOW TO KNOW GOD Based on the hugely popular book by best-selling author Deepak Chopra, How To Know God is an exciting, insightful journey towards a better understanding of one of life’s greatest mysteries.
Fri 19th – The FLOURIDE DECEPTION In this film, Christopher Bryson examines how toxic chemicals have been introduced into our water supply.  Dr. Paul Connett who is also interviewed in the film as a world authority on this subject will be joining us in person, to speak on this subject immediately after.
Fri 26th   – WORLD without CANCER "G. Edward Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease--like scurvy or pellagra--aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man's diet.

Cost $5.00 Starts 7.30pm Open Forum Discussion after every Movie                          
The Royal Exchange, 32 -34 Bolton St, Newcastle.
Please book online

Thought of the month; Your personal empowerment tip

It is always a good practice from time to time to check in with yourself on where you are in your life. To ask yourself the sometimes tough questions such as are you happy with your life and how it is unfolding? Are you clear about where your life is heading?

Remember the universe will support you in whatever belief system you have so if you are unclear on what you want you will keep getting the same results in life.  

Social Gatherings

Note; Due to the fact that we are going away for a training, we have  cancelled the bush walk to the Watagan mountains this coming Sunday.

FOR NOVEMBER; We are having a fun afternoon of drumming  on Sunday 11th November.

OUR CHRISTMAS GATHERING; Join us for an end of year celebration on Saturday evening 8th December at the Exchange Hotel at Hamilton for dinner.  

Keep the above dates free and we will let you know more details in the next newsletter.
Please forward this email to your friends however they won't be added to our contact list unless they choose to sign up.
Phil McKewin |Tracey Mullen | 02 49599885 | info @ personalpower.com.au