EDITION 1 - Autumn 2005

EDITION 1 - Autumn 2005



Here is some really exciting news...

The Movie “WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW” hits our shores soon.



All of what you know from what you have experienced and heard about our work... VALIDATED by a MOVIE...


Watch your emails for a special preview screening night coming soon. 












Welcome to our NEW first quarterly edition of the Personal Empowerment Institute Newsletter.

With the beginning of a New Season, what a great opportunity for you to stop, be still and reflect on your life.

Since the beginning of time man has looked to nature for answers. Nature shows us by example in the shedding of her leaves that Autumn is a time to let go, shed the old, and be still in preparation for the coming Winter months.

What does this mean to you? Summer is a time that your energy is very active, out living life to the full. It is a season for socialising, connecting, enjoying the outdoors and activities that Summer offers.

Autumn is a time to begin to slow down, to revisit yourself and reset your priorities. It is a time to reconsider what is important to you, where do you want to focus your energy?

Make a list of all the activities you are currently involved in, and answer the following questions;

  • Am I doing this out of obligation or is it in my heart to do it.
  • Which activities challenge me to grow.
  • Is this activity the absolute best use of my time.

 If there is some doubt in your answers to these questions now being Autumn may be the time to re-evaluate your priorities.

Well – I think that’s it from us for now!

Thanks for your support and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Our warmest regards,

Tracey & Phil

The Personal Empowerment Institute Team