Client Testimonials For The 'Inner Child Series'

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I found the series helped uncover and understand reasons why I do things. Realizing that I play “the hero”, “the Invisible child” and other roles really helps see what patterns are playing out in my life. I highly recommend this series.

Kevin Deegan, Newcastle

This series gave my little inner child a voice and permission to exist and speak out. Thank you for guiding me towards having this new connection. I feel like I am getting to know myself now.

Linda Irvine, Newcastle

This series has allowed me to grow a lot, in the way of getting in touch with my emotions, identifying issues to work on and helping me to answer questions that I have been unaware of previously. This has been a really huge ultimate experience at times, promoted huge welling up of emotions and questions. The self discovery was unbelievable, allowed me to gain strength. I found the facilitators very supportive with the processes I went through. It was amazing the insight I gained from others experiences as well.

Sherrilyn Singer, Newcastle

Thankyou so much for shining the light on my inner unconscious patterns so I can continue to know myself, heal my wounds and change my life. I look forward to my bright new future.

Sharon Healey, Newcastle

The way that Phil has shown me how to become self empowered through the understanding of me and “my Stuff” is totally enlightening. This is a series that can open many pathways to total “Authentic Power.”

Lynn Norris, Newcastle

I found the course very genuine. A time to really take opportunities to explore the way’s I am, the way I feel and the patterns that I use and the masks that I put on. The course has given me faith in myself to move through the stuff I have from my beginnings in this life and the tools to deliver a more free and fulfilling future. Thanks I am very grateful.

Jim Norris, Newcastle

Very informative and lots of encouragement to step out into the unknown, to allow feelings to surface, acknowledge them, work through them and grow and move on. Looking forward to next inner child series. Bring it on.

Pat Jones, Newcastle

Excellent series. Phil, Tracey and Lani are all very supportive, genuine. Provided real tools to use and to trust our inner feelings, self. To go within, not without. Phil is an excellent presenter, he walks his talk and practices what he preaches. This series has enabled me to see and identify patterns that I have been playing out since childhood, provided the freedom to feel the painful emotions, to release the heavy weight from my shoulders. This is a process.

Matthew Forde, Newcastle

Great series, great value, great people.

John Birchnell, Newcastle

Very much an awakening experience for me.

John Klopfer, Newcastle

Its good to be able to look back and see where my patterns came from. Looking forward to the next series. Bring it on.

Justine Pollard, Newcastle

Phil you have turned the lights on that weren’t on before and given me tools to get it out of my head and into feeling at last. I’ve had my first experience at that, I see change coming. It’s been a life changing series.

Judy Hughes, Newcastle

It has created movement inside of me and a feeling of unsettle but I look forward to coming every single week and only want to learn more and more. Thank you Phil.

Kelly Gibson, Newcastle

I have loved this series. I have benefited so much in every day of my life I want more. I have experienced true freedom and happiness for the first time in years. I thought I was happy. I had forgotten how good it was possible to feel. I had settled for survival instead of happiness.

Christine Graham, Newcastle

I came to the course ready for change because I was over doing the same old patterns over and over. I can see the changes already in myself and my life. I’m looking forward to the next series and what it brings. Keep up the brilliant work.

Shannyn Green, Newcastle